16th July: 10am – 5pm
17th July: 10am – 5pm
18th July: 10am – 4pm
Show opening hours
What do I do if someone tries to sell me the AIFF databases and visitor lists?
This is a scam and you should ignore them. AIFF operates under strict data privacy laws, and we do not share our visitor or any other internal data with unauthorised third parties.
Any communication you may receive offering you to rent/buy or download our visitor or exhibitor contacts is a scam and should be deleted.
Who can attend? (Conditions of Entry)
AIFF is a Trade Only Event. Entry is restricted to bona fide members of the furniture & soft furnishings industry and over the age of 16. These include Retailers, Designers, Decorators, Architects and relevant buyers from Hotels, Restaurants, Healthcare, Aged Care, Government, Educators, Real Estate & Building and Construction.
Business ID may be required upon entry e.g. Business card, letterhead, pay slip or company documentation containing your company ABN (this could be a company bill, company order or company registration certificate). You may also be asked for personal identification such as a driver’s license to substantiate your identification. All visitors must be able to provide proof they either work or operate the company used in registration.
Those not involved in the furniture & soft furnishings industry will not be admitted. Selling or promotion of products/services to exhibitors is not permitted. Students can attend and will be required to register. Visitors failing to abide may be asked to leave the venue. The organiser reserves the right at their discretion to deny or withdraw access to non-approved persons.
Non-exhibiting manufacturers, distributors and/or suppliers in the furniture & furnishings industry are limited to a maximum of six (6) staff to register and attend AIFF. If you wish to request additional staff, please email info@informa.com.au.
How much does it cost to attend?
Once registered as a bona fide trade visitor, attendance is free. Tickets must be purchased for entrance to the Seminar Series.
Do I need to register for the show?
Yes, all trade visitors must pre-register for the show.
What happens when I register?
Please note: Your visitor badge will not be posted – All visitor badges will need to be collected from the onsite registration at the event.
A subject to approval email will be sent to you so you know your registration has been processed. The organiser will then confirm or decline your booking with an approved or declined email confirmation. Estimated approval time is within the week. If confirmed, you will be sent an e-ticket. Please print this e-ticket and bring it to the show to collect your badge.
All emails will be sent to you from tickets@lup.events
Business ID is required onsite.
Note that the organiser reserves the right to cancel invalid registrations to ensure that entry is limited to bona fide trade visitors.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION – Visitor badges from previous years are not valid.
Can I check or update my registration details?
You can update your registration details by contacting tickets@lup.events with the registration number that was emailed in your confirmation.
Alternatively, your registration details can be altered when you arrive at the trade show at the on-site registration desk located near the entrance. You won’t need to complete another registration form, simply present your business identification at the counter.
How do I book in for seminars if I’ve already registered?
Please contact tickets@lup.events to book seminar tickets with the registration number that was emailed with your confirmation.
Seminar tickets can also be purchased on-site, however we encourage you to pre-book to avoid disappointment as seminar attendee numbers are capped.
I can’t attend a seminar, can my seminar ticket be refunded?
Seminars are non-refundable. For all seminar enquiries, please contact tickets@lup.events.
How do I delete my registration?
Please contact tickets@lup.events for registration assistance
How do I register a colleague?
Colleagues will need to register individually via the registration page online.
Can I still attend if I have not registered before arriving?
You can register onsite on the days of the event. As a trade-only event, all visitors must register with the appropriate business information to prove legitimacy to the industry. Visitors must wear their unique name badge at all times and will be subject to ID checks where necessary.
Can students attend?
Final year Tertiary or TAFE students currently enrolled in a relevant course may attend the show provided they have an appropriate student identification card.
Any groups larger than 6 students must apply in writing to the organiser for approval. Details must include institution, course, number of students and preferred attendance time. Email info@informa.com.au
Can I bring my friends or family to have a look?
Sorry, this is strictly a trade only event.
Is there a cloak room onsite?
Yes, the MCEC has a cloakroom located at the Customer Service Desk (next to Goldfields Café)
How do I get to the venue?
There are a number of travel options to get you to and from the venue. Visit this link for information on how to get to the Melbourne Exhibition Centre.
Venue Health & Safety
Is there free parking?
Unfortunately, there is no free parking. Click here for information on car parking at the Melbourne Exhibition Centre.
Do I need a visa to visit Australia?
Most international visitors to Australia will require a visa to enter the country. For government details on visas visit Australian Government Immigration site at www.immi.gov.au. Remember if you need to make a visa Application make sure you do so well in advance as there is usually a processing period involved.
I am interested in exhibiting, who do I contact?
For exhibition enquiries, please contact a member of the AIFF team.
Chris May – Exhibition Director: Chris.May@informa.com.au
Alice Domenis – Exhibition Manager: Alice.Domenis@informa.com.au -
Who organises the show?
Informa Australia
Level 4, 24 York St, Sydney NSW 2000
Tel: +61 2 9080 4030
Email: info@informa.com.au
Web: www.informa.com.auFor all registration enquiries, please contact tickets@lup.events
Can I remove purchased items during the show?
Orders can be placed but items cannot be removed from the show floor. If you do purchase items from the show floor from an exhibitor, you will ONLY be able to remove these items from the Trade Show between 2 PM – 4 PM, Friday 18th July 2025. If you are not able to remove your purchased items during this time, then please arrange an alternative with the exhibitor. The MCEC will not allow any trollies on the concourse, you will only be able to carry items.
Can I bring children?
As this is a Trade Show we advise you not to bring children. If this is not feasible then yes you can bring children into the Trade Show. For any children entering the exhibition under the age of 12 years old, a guardian will need to sign a waiver at the show entrance. The waiver states that the Guardian takes full responsibility for any damages/breakages that may be caused by their pram or child/children entering the exhibition. On exit of the exhibition, all prams will be searched by security.
Photography Policy
Informa requests that attendees and exhibitors seek permission from stand holders prior to taking photographs of other exhibition stands or display products during this conference.
We ask that all attendees uphold a professional and respectful environment when taking photographs during the conference and exhibition.